More Than Just a Cleaning Company

Office Cleaning Services in London
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Daily office cleaning Services or contract cleaning services, as it is often referred, in London, has evolved over the years to incorporate rising expectations in cleanliness. Employers recognise the length of time spent by staff at work, which is the highest in Europe, and have raised the level of office furbishment to accommodate this. It therefore follows that the standard of office cleaning services in London should be designed to maintain these levels. Recently hygiene has started to come to the fore, with major concerns of Swine flu and MRSA, which is now also community based, together with the usual ‘bacteria’ and ‘viruses’ that attack us from time to time.
Modern London office cleaning services need to take account of the multi faceted function of the office desk, elf bar which will often double up from a working area into a canteen or even kitchen worktop. Employers are being warned by Health & Safety consultancies not to allow staff to eat at their desks due to the likely hood of E. Coli and Staphylococcus Aureus being present. As never before London office cleaning services should be approached professionally and include levels of hygiene.
Good Office Cleaning Services Pay for Themselves
Absence from work could be costing your company over £1000, per employee, per year, according to CBI figures.

By adopting an approach to office cleaning services that reduce the amount of germs passed around the office, that figure could be halved. Multyply that by every member of staff and cleaning services start to pay for themeselves.
Choosing Cleaning Services in London
You are probably bombarded on a daily basis with London based cleaning companies offering services to clean your offices. They will all promise the earth with only a few London based office services able to deliver, but how do you know which.
There are some searching questions you can ask which will give a good insight into how professional they really are, for example, what level of supervision and quality control are proposed for your office and what training the operatives receive. Will a designated point of contact be provided and how easy is it to reach them? Are they London based? Request a copy of their Health and Safety policy. Finally obtain a short list of companies, for whom they currently provide services, which are of similar size and location to your own, and contact them for confirmation of the answers given. Combining the information gathered with your own intuition, you are now in a position to make an informed choice.
Very soon indeed now men will hear Maitreya’s call for action and for change. Already, amid the myriad analysts the media have turned to for explanation and advice in the current crisis are a few who wisely warn that radical change is essential; that control and regulation of the ‘men of money’ must be a top priority to prevent a repetition. The people call for fairness and justice and are in no mood to be ignored. Thus the stage is set, at last, for the words of Maitreya to be heard, and to be seen as sensible and true.”
Toilet Steam Cleansing Services
53 % of ladies surveyed in London admitted to not using the office toilets, this included 27% who rarely even entered the washroom.

Toilet Steam Cleansing Services untilise dry steam technology operating at over
60c instantly killing all bacteria, viruses and spores. The steam penetrates all nooks and crannies where chemicals cannot reach.
The weekly cleansing services are carried out during normal office hours, so raising confidence in the cleanliness of the washrooms.
Hygiene in the Office
With over 80% of bacteria and viruses passing from one person to another via surface to hand contact, removing the germs from all London office contact surfaces will mean cross contamination is not possible. This is the basis for the Hygiene in the Office program.
London Council Refuse Bag Scheme

The problems with the London council refuse bag schemes are:Rubbish is only allowed on the London streets just before
collection time. Therefore the cleaning services must be carried out at a time to suit the London Borough.
The refuse bags can only be purchased from that London Borough with payment in advance.
We have overcome these problems.
Find out how
Fastest Window Cleaner in the West

Terry Burrows is the fastest window cleaner in the world and can clean three windows in less than ten seconds.
Our office window cleaners are not as fast as Terry but they do clean windows in London very well, day in day out.
This site has been designed to be informative, educational and entertaining, if this visit inspires a review of your office cleaning services, we should have achieved our aim. If we are then invited to assist, that would be a bonus.

London Carpet Cleaning Services
The carpet is one of the most important features in your office. It is not as eye-catching as a piece furniture, but it can make a subtle difference to your office looking clean and fresh or dirty and drab.
The life of your carper can be extended by regular vacuuming,
being particularly thorough in areas of heavy traffic, and deep cleaning every 6 to 12 months.

Fed up with hunting around London for cheap supplies of hand towels or bin liners, even light bulbs? We carry a large range, everything from salt for the dishwasher to a box of C-Fold hand towels, we once supplied and fitted a toilet seat.
You name it and we probably have it.